Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Does Brain Tumor = Unsound Mind?

I have discovered so many things that having a brain tumor prohibits me from doing. Driving, of course. At least for now. Depending on the day, seeing objective reality. I’m hoping that’s done. Growing a mullet. Wasn’t a goal, but it’s now off the table.

One thing that a brain tumor doesn’t hinder, apparently, is jury duty. Travis County thinks I would be a useful cog in the wheels of justice. Do wheels have cogs? And having done this before, it’s more the wheels of very pitiful misdemeanors.

My last journey into the wheel cogs of civil misdemeanor justice was being on a Travis County jury six years ago. Some drunk moron (it’s in the trial transcript) mouthed off at a cop while in line for a bar. He had an open beer in his pocket and was so drunk he vehemently denied said beer, which was clearly there. Still would have been fine, except he decided to say stupid things to the police, which got him a charge of public intoxication. Maximum penalty - $200 fine. But this genius needed his day in court. So seven jurors spent a day off work to provide him that opportunity. Add in the judge, prosecutor, court personnel, and even the police officer who recounted said drunk man with open beer in his pocket, and the cost to Travis County, including lost productivity, was around $8,914.62. All for the possibility of a $200 fine.

We found the idiot guilty, and assessed a $1 fine. You might get from this that I don’t like jury duty. I do. I love being civic. A perfect day for me might be a walk on a civically funded hike and bike trail, followed by jury duty, and then a trip to the library.

But it has been a tough summer. So I admit I looked on the summons for an out. I am a citizen. I’m registered to vote. I can read and write. I (think) I am of sound mind and good moral character. Even with the tumor, I feel fairly confident in my morality.  There was an out for medical reasons, but you need a doctor’s note. I have so many doctors, and they seem to be in flux, it didn’t seem worth getting my medical records, finding a notary, and submitting to the County exam. So I went on-line and signed up. I am set for late September. Might need a ride.
Then, yesterday, two weeks after the jury duty summons, I got a letter from Travis County. I thought it was a helpful paper reminder. No, it’s a jury summons. I am hereby ordered to the same damn thing three days after my scheduled jury duty.
Certainly, there has to be an out in this situation, right? But using my non-diminished reading skills, I realized that there is an exemption only if you get impaneled. So they can keep calling me. I could theoretically get a summons a day until I actually get on a jury. Which might lead to me trying to get on a jury, which certainly would be evidence of bad moral character, yes?

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