OK, maybe a litle less than a million, But a cool idea nonetheless. And to be clear, this has been developed with my amazing daughter Kaileigh.
The background: while Kaileigh is in Florida doing research on bears in the Everglades, and sending us amazing pix of bears, her mundane mail comes to our house. She gets a monthly Wildlife Professionals magazine, and medical and dental mail. Not like, actual teeth, but, letters from her dental insurance provider - Dentaquest. I send her a list of the mail we accumulate and if there is anything she needs, I forward. Yesterday, there was nothing forward worthy, but we did have this amazing text exchange:
Me: BTW - DentaQuest is my new favorite RGP game. I play it daily.
Me: I'm currently on the quest to increase my knowledge by finding the Wisdom Tooth of Andor. My weapon is only dental floss.
Kaileigh: You must collect some silver fillings and upgrade your enamel armor if you have any chance to fight off the Plaque.
Me: The Plaque? You must be far. I'm still battling gingivitis.
Me: Have you conquered the Retainer of Incisor Valley yet? I hear you are awarded a gold crown.
Kaileigh: No, I'm stuck on the molar bridge. I'm having a hard time defeating Halitosis, even with my tongue scaper.
Me: Use the Night Guard! He can help you defeat Halitosis.
Kaileigh: Oooh, that's a great idea! I've been leaving him on brushing duty.
I love this kid! To be clear, I love all my kids. But it will be some time before either twin would entertain this silliness with me.
Feel free to add to the storyline. Should it make it into the actual game, and someone decides to make a real game, code it, market it, sell it, and give me royalties, I will certainly send my thanks. And if anyone knows how to get a silly idea developed into a video game, that's also a gap I seem to have.
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