Monday, June 20, 2022

Are you Ready to Tumble???

 So, with the divorce finalized, the move complete, and my next round of radiation and Chemo chugging along, I thought I might start considering the future.  A few months ago, a couple of divorced guy friends gave me the low-down on on-line dating.  They told me the apps to use, the ones to avoid, and had lots of interesting on-line dating stories.

I am not ready to start dating, and don't know when / if that time will come.  But realizing I am way out of practice meeting people, bantering, and flirting, thought I'd dip my toe in the pool, and hope there is not a lot of pee in the pool.

Becaue of age, brain tumor, or a deranged auto-correct (my guess), I didn't quite remember the apps they told me to use.  So I had some interesting experiences while trying to remember.

First, I downloaded Rumble.  Apparently, it's a dating site for men and women to find each other and box.  While I doubt I'll keep the app. I do have a bout scheduled with "Crusher Karen" in early July.  I need to train for that.

So, since Rumble was obviously not right, I downloaded Grumble.  This was much better - people bitching about things.  MY people.  But still not a traditional dating site.  Do I tried Tumble.  Thought it might be for hook-ups, but it's actually gymnasts looking for training partners.  I deleted it after getting `18 messages from Larry N.

So, realizing I wasn't going to get this one, I moved on to their next suggestion.  Pretty sure I was off on this one too.  

Fender is a dating site for people who like to work on cars.

Bender is for hard-core drinking.  I'll keep this one for now.

Then I tried Binder, and found 2 apps.The first one wanted to know if I was a dominant or a submissive.  Not knowing the answer, I moved on to the second app named Binder.  Turns out it is a dating app for people who love office supplies.  I have a date this week with Edith at OfficeMax.  We are meeting in the coffee and snacks aisle.

Minder turns out to be for people looking for others to take care of them.  Keeping this one too, based on my health situation.

Finally, my friends might have said "Hinge", but with my luck I thought that would be Home Depot dating.

So, I tried Fringe.  I think I may have accidently joined QAnon.  On the plus side, I have a date with Marjorie, who is apparently an elected official.  We are going to New York for pizza, and then down to Florida for golf.  If she likes me, she said we could go shooting.


As a public service, these are most definitely NOT dating sites (trust me): Mumble; Fumble; and Finder. Sender is a messaging app, Humble is something about self esteem, and Tinge is a painter message board.

So - how does one know if they are dominant or submissive.  Please, NO pics.

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