Monday, May 9, 2022



Divorce?  Yes

Sold house and moving?  Check and check (and one of those was a large check).

Next?  Gotta be something health related, right?  We’ll see. Had my MRI today, and will see brave Dr. Valliant Wednesday.  Until then, some thoughts on my latest MRI.

Got a call this morning from ARA, telling me their 3 Tesla machine was down and wouldn’t be up by my appointment today.  So, the nice ARA lady checked all the other sites, and no one has an opening till the 23rd.  Nope.  Last MRI had a troubling spot, one which Dr. V sounds much less optimistic about.  He said we could do another MRI in six weeks or start treatment right then.  Today’s MRI was scheduled 6 weeks later.  So no, I don’t want to wait another few weeks.  But wait, ARA lady had an idea.  It seems the place I go to has a 2nd 3 Tesla machine and I could get in this evening.  Guess they forgot about that one.  

Jill used to watch “Unsolved Mysteries.”  I never got the appeal.  I need more closure in life, not less.  But, with my frequent doctor visits, I feel like I have watched the first 15 minutes of about 1/2 the shows on HGTV.  Enough for them to rip the place apart; discover the wreck of an old pirate ship underneath the house, and decide to use part of the wreck to build a signature kitchen island.  I never get to the reveal.  I assume it all goes well, but you kinda need to sit through the full 30 minutes to know.  It’s possible HGTV is just full on chaos- people ripping apart houses and leaving them like that.  Some months ( like this May), I kinda hope that’s true.  

The newly rediscovered 3Tesla machine had the same mirrors that gave you a view of the back wall.  But instead of a magazine page picturing a beach, it was just some stacked boxes.  So, I didn’t spend 30 minutes on the beach.  More like 30 minutes on the docks in the Ship Channel.  And maybe the tech was also rediscovered in the room.  The ARA folks are amazing, but for the first time the IV he gave me actually hurt.  A lot.  So, with all of this, even with the warm blanket, it was less a 30 minute restful procedure, and more like 30 minutes stuck inside a car alarm.  But, the real test is still Dr. V on Wednesday. I am 3 years into the 2-5 year prognosis of the tumor acting up again, so I could be back in treatment soon.  Or not.  Possibly my Dis-May could turn into an “A-May-zing.”  


Bucket List

 With time now awaiting, seems like I need a bucket list.  There are domestic and international trips to take, people and places to. See at ...